
Nadeem Akhtar

MS in Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan

I am immensely grateful to SSMAF for their invaluable support and guidance throughout my MS in Civil Engineering application process. Thanks to their assistance, I received admission offers from National Taiwan University, Uppsala University, Ecole Central de Lyon, Asian Institute of Technology, and Sapienza University of Rome. The personalized mentorship program provided by SSMAF allowed me to receive feedback on my application materials, identify my strengths and weaknesses, and develop a compelling personal statement and research proposal. I am deeply thankful for the dedication and effort the SSMAF mentors invested in my success. I would also like to express my gratitude to my seniors Seerin Ahmad, Md Asad Ahmad, Rashid Ahmed Khan, and Shoeb Azam Farooqi for their timely support and guidance during the application process. Their availability, encouragement, and expertise were instrumental in my achievements. I am excited to embark on my studies at these prestigious universities, confident that the knowledge and skills I acquire will enable me to make a positive impact on the world. It is an honor to represent SSMAF and Aligarh Muslim University on the global stage.

Md Asad Ahmad

PhD in Civil Engineering, Purdue University, United States of America (USA)

                I had yet to learn about getting exposed to study abroad, but SSMAF made it happen. I am Md Asad Ahmad; I always needed clarification about the best career options during my undergraduate. At first, I was exploring opportunities in India because the steps were clear and straightforward, and abroad study was looking chaotic. I discussed my career with Seerin Ahmad, and he taught/guided me like a brick higher every day.

          I got several opportunities to study Master of Science, but I continued with the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech.). The experience in Taiwan was fun, exploring new countries/cultures, traveling around, and much more. College of Engineering at Taiwan Tech commended me as an excellent youth, and I received an award for best Teaching Assistantship (TA). However, a brick higher every day was still under progress, and I got several offers for doctoral studies from Purdue University, Aalto University, University College Cork, and Lehigh University. I joined Purdue University in January 2023, where I learned and still building to gain giant leaps in small steps. Boilermaker!

Rashid Ahmed Khan

Rashid Ahmed Khan​

PhD in Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom (UK)

          I’m honored to have received the Sir Syed Mentoring and Fellowship Award for my Ph.D. admission at the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom. Initially, I was incredibly nervous about studying abroad, as I’ve always been a bit of a control freak. But thanks to the support and vision of SSMAF, my dream became a reality. SSMAF’s effort made studying abroad possible, and this recognition is a tribute to their guidance and vision. The award has greatly enhanced my studies and research at a top-ranked university. I’m grateful to the SSMAF mentors, particularly Seerin Ahmad Bhai, for their unwavering support throughout the application and Visa process. Their expertise and suggestions helped me create a standout application. Overall, the Sir Syed Mentoring and Fellowship Award have been a game-changer in my academic journey, allowing me to pursue my research interests and contribute to my knowledge. I’m proud to be associated with such a prestigious organization and eagerly anticipate future opportunities.